On Break-ups and New Beginnings

I feel like this is bad time for my first post, but what happens happens and c’est la vie. 

The boy and I broke up last night, and yes I did try to not sob loudly in the middle of the night while thinking of every expletive under the sun, and yes, still do and will feel sad about it for a while. But it’s what happens. Shit goes on and you need to grieve before you move on. It always varies how long it takes, like this morning I felt fine and dandy, but then the pain came back and I realised that I need to be human and allow myself more than a couple of hours to recover. I’ll allow myself how ever much I need, and will be supported through this.

Which brings me to my second point, the dumb realisation that no matter how many changes and new beginnings I go through, my friends will be there. The ones that drunkenly try to give me the best advice and support they can, and are fine with me dropping the c-bomb hundreds of times because it’s how I deal with emotions, and plot with me to steal boys from books and boy band members, because you’ve got to admit, they’re usually better. I don’t know, I guess with the beginning of starting uni, I took it as having to accept that I’ll see less of my friends because we’ll form new lives. But no, it’s not like that. At least, not yet. One of my friends was right when he said I don’t realise how many people love me; he was also wrong in the way that I just forget sometimes, though. But really we love each other so much, and sure it may be a bit more difficult, but we’ve got each other forever.

2 thoughts on “On Break-ups and New Beginnings

  1. Trust me when I say one day you’ll look back at this heartache and laugh. Relationships only get better when you learn and grow from the failed. Enjoy the journey ahead. One day you’ll realise the tears were worth it. All the best to you hun x

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words. Although it’s difficult for me to imagine looking back on this, it’s a reminder of the good people that I do have. x

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